For Lovers of Meditation

Christopher Lloyd Clarke
Ambient Music Composer

Christopher Lloyd Clarke

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Christopher Lloyd Clarke B.Sc, Msc.D is an ambient music composer who specializes in music for deep relaxation, meditation and healing. As a best-selling meditation music artist, Christopher's music is loved by meditation enthusiasts and also by a variety of professionals who rely on his music for its therapeutic benefits. Here are just a few examples of where you might find Christopher’s music at work...

• Background music in meditation classes.
• Relaxation therapy for returned soldiers suffering from PTSD.
• As an adjunct to treatments for depression and anxiety.
• Background music to enhance clinical hypnosis.
• Music therapy for autistic children and those with ADHD.
• As a sleep aid for those suffering from insomnia.

Christopher has been composing music and practicing formal meditation since 1997. His extensive experience with meditation coupled with his studies into metaphysics and his ongoing involvement with a global network of therapists and healers has given him a unique insight into how to create music that encourages deep relaxation and altered states of consciousness.

In response to numerous requests from meditation teachers and other health care professionals, Christopher began licensing his music compositions for commercial use in 2009. Since then, his soothing music has been featured in countless guided meditation recordings and is utilized by meditation teachers, holistic healers, psychologists, personal development consultants and medical facilities throughout the world.

Want to use Christopher's music to create a guided meditation or hypnosis recording? You can get a license to use his music from Enlightened Audio.

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Click here to explore Christopher's music.

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Some of Christopher's music is also available on iTunes

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