For Lovers of Meditation

Peace and Guidance

by Leita

Where do you go to find peace and guidance? Some might say church, other nature. I say why go anywhere? You can just close your eyes and find what you need.

I have been meditating on and off since the late 90's (when I was in high school). But until recently it was more of an occasional thing. For the last few months I have been making time to meditate at least once a day, more if I am lucky.

Being a mother of a 2 year old, a daughter of an Alzheimer's patient and working a full time job while also trying to keep up a clean house and a happy marriage is not easy and it can be incredibly hard to find 15 to 30 minutes a day to just relax. But find time I do and with such wonderful results!

Meditation not only helps me deal with stress, but it also allows me time to spend on my spirituality. I have had many occasions where my meditations have taken me to faraway places and I have seen both my guides, angels, fairies and loved ones on the other side. Meditation has inspired my art and made me feel closer to Spirit. I have also noticed I sleep and rest better.

I start every day with a 15 minute meditation which can get my day off to a wonderful start. There have been very few times in my life when I feel calm, peaceful and connected without meditation. It is also a wonderful way to allow yourself to see a situation or problem from a different view. I would HIGHLY advocate everyone to meditate. It is a truly amazing experience. Good luck to all and I wish you a happy and peaceful life!

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