Susanne Kempken is the co-founder and managing director of The Guided Meditation Site. She left behind her successful corporate career to follow her passion for all things meditation.
Once a professional singer, Susanne is now best known for her soothing vocal performances as a voiceover artist. A serene and spiritually evolved individual, Susanne has practiced formal meditation for more than 20 years and as a result, her voice is naturally imbued with a rare sense of sincerity and peacefulness.
As an empath, Susanne is a deeply intuitive and compassionate person with a natural gift for understanding people. She has a genuine desire to help others lead happier, healthier and more peaceful lives, and her work reflects this aspiration.
"Beautiful meditation Susanne. Very relaxing and uplifting. You are gifted with a beautiful voice. Thank you"
- Phyllis -
This is a quick morning meditation that will relax you and give you a boost of positive energy. It's a fantastic way to start your day with a smile on your face. In this short meditation you will use some basic breathing exercises, simple visualizations and positive affirmations to bring about a calm and happy mindset.
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Susanne is very passionate about meditation, energy balancing and holistic healing. In her own words,
"I believe that in order to be a happy and healthy person, you need to consider your health on all levels. This obviously includes taking good care of your physical body and your mind. However, after 20 years of meditation, learning about energy and the complexity of the emotional body, I now know that my emotional body and my aura/energy are just as important to maintaining my overall health and well-being.
Meditation is a wonderful and enjoyable way to heal yourself on all levels!
As a modern professional, I don’t know what I would do without meditation. It helps me manage stress and all the ups and downs of life like nothing else. It keeps me centred and balanced, and certainly makes me a much happier person.”
Susanne has had training in Meditation, Reiki, Metaphysics and Stress Management, and continues to educate herself further with special emphasis on the Chakra System and Energetic Literacy.
Susanne has authored and narrated a number of guided meditation scripts and has been featured in some of the world’s most popular meditation audio productions. We even used her beautiful voice in our very own free guided meditation download - The Blissful Mind Meditation.
"Bless you and your gift and as many others have noted a beautiful voice"
- Maureen -
This is a quick meditation that will relax you and give you a boost of confidence whenever you need it. It's an enjoyable way to ease tension or nervousness during times when you feel a little insecure or unsure of yourself. In this short meditation you will use some basic breathing exercises, simple visualizations and positive affirmations to bring about a relaxed and confident mindset.
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Love your physical body. Feel safe and supported. Establish healthy personal boundaries. Believe that you deserve an abundant life. These are just some of the qualities of a healthy and balanced root chakra. Enjoy soothing music with theta frequencies and positive affirmations to help you relax, balance your root chakra and build a strong foundation for a happier, more peaceful and empowered life. Strong & Supported is the sixth album in a series of chakra meditations by Susanne Kempken.
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This deeply relaxing guided chakra meditation was created to clear, re-energise and balance the seven main chakras in your body. Using powerful energy channeling visualisations, this meditation will help you increase your energy and provide gentle healing on the deepest level. Blissful Balance is the fifth album in a series of chakra meditations by Susanne Kempken.
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Open your heart. Be kind and loving. Find that part within yourself that is able to love unconditionally. Be compassionate and forgiving. Form healthy relationships that bring you happiness and joy. These are just some of the qualities of a healthy and balanced heart chakra. Enjoy heart warming music with theta frequencies and positive affirmations to help you relax, balance your heart chakra and open you to the most powerful force in the world - love. Living From The Heart is the fourth album in a series of chakra meditations by Susanne Kempken.
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This item is also included in our Chakra Meditations Value Bundle - Part 1. Click for more information... |
'Feeling Safe' is a guided imagery meditation that will take you on a powerful journey to help you release your fears and improve your confidence. It’s a great meditation for helping to alleviate anxiety. It uses guided relaxation to help soothe you, as well as symbolic visualizations to instill a deeper message of calm inner strength. This album also includes a short meditation that you can use any time of day, even during your lunch break.
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This item is also included in our Soothe and Nurture value bundle. Click for more information... |
Become an excellent communicator. Be a great listener, one that is appreciated by others. Get that powerful voice to bravely ask for what you want. Be heard. These are just some of the qualities of a healthy and balanced throat chakra. Enjoy deeply relaxing music with theta frequencies and positive affirmations to help you relax, balance your throat chakra and strengthen your natural ability to express yourself fearlessly and with love. Express Yourself With Love And Confidence is the third album in a series of chakra meditations by Susanne Kempken.
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This item is also included in our Chakra Meditations Value Bundle - Part 1. Click for more information... |
Feeling Loved is a guided imagery meditation that will take you on a wonderful journey to encourage and strengthen self-love and self-worth in a simple, feel good way. It will leave you feeling deeply relaxed and loved. There is only one you and you are a unique and lovable individual . . . it's time to remind yourself of that. So give yourself some love, you deserve it!
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This item is also included in our Soothe and Nurture value bundle. Click for more information... |
A vivid imagination. Deep intuitive perception. The ability to focus and to visualize with clarity. A mindful awareness of the present moment. Mental stillness. These are just some of the qualities of a powerful mind. Enjoy tranquil music with theta frequencies and positive affirmations to help you relax, balance your third eye chakra and develop the power of your mind. A Powerful Mind is the second album in a series of chakra meditations by Susanne Kempken.
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This item is also included in our Chakra Meditations Value Bundle - Part 1. Click for more information... |
This inspiring meditation experience uses soothing music with theta frequencies and positive affirmations to help you connect with your higher self and open up to the voice of your spirit. Featuring the lovely voice of Susanne Kempken, Connecting To Spirit is deliciously relaxing and it's bound to make your heart sing. This is the first album in a series of chakra meditations by Susanne.
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This item is also included in our Chakra Meditations Value Bundle - Part 1. Click for more information... |
This deeply relaxing meditation bundle includes a special selection of guided meditations and meditation music to soothe and nurture the inner you. These meditations will help you to open your heart and strengthen your innermost self, so that you can step out into the world feeling confident, safe and calm. Enjoy a deeply relaxed body, a quiet mind and a peaceful inner self. This meditation bundle is a great way to care for the inner you.
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This Chakra Meditation Bundle includes the first four chakra meditation releases by Susanne Kempken. These inspirational meditations will carry you into a deeply relaxed state, while healing, empowering and balancing your chakras. You can use these meditations to bliss out while you fall asleep, or during a more formal sitting meditation.
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This guided meditation download has been created to help you de-stress, relax, and achieve a state of blissful, meditative stillness. During this meditation, you will be gently guided through a series of effortless visualizations that lead you to a tropical island where you rest in a pool of pure, still water.
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This item is also included in our Ultimate Stress Relief value bundle. Click for more information... |
Release yourself from your everyday concerns and become carefree again! This guided imagery meditation will guide you into a state of deep relaxation and expanded a place where you can reclaim a happier, clearer outlook on life.
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This item is also included in our Ultimate Stress Relief value bundle. Click for more information... |
This progressive muscle relaxation is a wonderful guided relaxation for releasing stress. Not only does it relax the muscles, it also helps to reduce all the physical symptoms of stress. It will help to balance your blood pressure and heart rate, it will oxygenate your entire body, and it will bring you an overall sense of relief and deep rest.
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This item is also included in our Ultimate Stress Relief value bundle. Click for more information... |
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This item is also included in our Soothe and Nurture value bundle. Click for more information... |
Do you ever find that you are too busy to fit in time for deep relaxation? We'll you're not alone. Many of us are run off our feet these days! Well if you can find just 8 minutes to spare then you are going to LOVE this guided relaxation!
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This item is also included in our Ultimate Stress Relief value bundle. Click for more information... |
A great selection of meditations that help to eliminate stress on all three levels - emotional, mental and physical. The Ultimate Stress Relief Download also includes a rapid relaxation MP3 for people on the go, and 4 wonderful meditation music albums to soothe you at any time of day.
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Today I am sharing one of my own personal meditation favourites with you, called The Mindful Coffee Meditation. You might laugh at the concept of combining coffee with a relaxation technique, but before you dismiss it, take a moment to think about it...and if you are only a little curious, then keep reading.
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This is a meditation you can use whenever you are feeling a little depleted. On the days when I can feel myself slumping or collapsing around the middle of my body, specifically around the solar plexus, I usually take some time to do my Power Up Candle Meditation to recharge my solar plexus chakra.
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Let me begin my story with an unimportant fact—I love butterflies. You are probably wondering what butterflies have to do with faith, but to explain that I will have to start at the beginning. . .
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When misfortune befalls us we often get caught up in the ‘What ifs’ of the situation. What if I hadn’t gone out tonight? What if I had chosen a different road? What if I hadn’t been late? What if, what if, what if. . . . A person can go insane wondering and worrying about the ‘What ifs’.
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Many people believe that in order to be ‘spiritual’ you need to adhere to a strict way of life. You need to live by a certain set of rules if you want to lay claim to being spiritual. If you are aiming to achieve ascension or enlightenment, then I agree that you need to fully commit and be disciplined.
But what about all the people who are just looking for a happier, more fulfilling life through spirituality?
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Meditation can bring incredibly powerful feelings of love into your heart. But I know from personal experience that it is not always easy to just sit down for meditation and get those feelings of love flowing.
So today I’m sharing one of my simple techniques to give you easier access to feelings of love for a heart focussed meditation.
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It is very important to me to have a 'feel good' meditation space. I'm very sensitive to energies and so called 'vibes', so I make a point to regularly cleanse my meditation space. I've added 5 easy ways to clear a meditation space (or your home) of negative energies.
1. There is a saying that has been around for a long time: ‘Cleanliness is next to godliness’. Sometimes I wonder where it originated from because in regards to how it affects a space, it makes all the difference in the world. So that is the first thing you can easily do to lift the feeling and energy of your space – keep it clean.
2. Use a smudge stick to cleanse all negativity from your space. A smudge stick is usually made of dried sage leaves, but I have seen variations with added herbs. Personally when I use my smudge stick I like to recite a few words for additional impact. For example, ‘All negativity I hereby dispel, only love, light and positive energy may reside here’. It adds an almost sacred ritual feel to the task, which I enjoy. But don’t take it too seriously, it’s important to have fun with these things and to make them enjoyable. And while you only use the smudge stick once in a while for proper cleansing, remember to burn some incense more regularly. It’s a great space purifier.
3. The sound of a bell or singing bowl is also a great way to lift the energy in a space. The sound waves break up any stagnation in the flow and the residual vibration recharges the energy of a space with positive energy. It’s fun and easy to walk around your space or even your entire home ringing a bell. Brings a smile to my face every time I do it.
4. An even easier way to lift the energy in your space is to simply light a candle. A candle flame is a wonderful negativity absorber. As a bonus it spreads a really lovely warm glow, which enhances the feel of any place. Just remember to extinguish any candle before you leave or fall asleep.
5. A very powerful space enhancer is the simple act of asking a higher power to bless your space. If you pay attention you can literally feel the subtle shift in the energy of your space. Powerful stuff! Personally I always like to give some love and gratitude in return for any blessings, but that’s just me.
I hope you enjoy your space cleansing, and like I mentioned earlier have a little fun with it. That alone will make a big difference...
Please feel free to add more space cleansing tips or general advice. Any 'how to' sharing is greatly appreciated!
Please click here to see all tips, advice and comments...
Love & light,
Susanne Kempken
I would like to share one of the techniques I use whenever I feel overwhelmed or a bit anxious, or whenever my mind is pulling the old 'hamster wheel' trick on me. I use this technique when I don't have the time or space to sit and meditate. It's simple and easy to do, and it helps to settle me every time.
Most days you will see me wearing a prayer bead bracelet and while they are a very pretty adornment, I don't just wear them as jewellery. Whenever I experience the emotions as described above, I tend to slip off my bracelet and run the beads one by one through my thumb and forefinger. With each bead I repeat one positive affirmation. This can be anything from 'I am safe' to 'I am confident', 'I am healthy' or one of my favourites, 'Everything is easy for me'. It depends on whatever you feel worried, anxious or uncomfortable about in that moment. Personally I tend to choose 3 positive affirmations that I repeat. When I feel more centered and relaxed, I simply slip my bracelet back onto my wrist.
Please note that it doesn't need to be a bracelet, you can also use your standard prayer beads or anything that you can run through your fingers one by one.
And just as a side note, I also use this technique for 'law of attraction' purposes. I am a strong believer in positive affirmations and they can be used not only to make yourself feel better, but also to enhance your life.
Love & light,
Susanne Kempken
One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.
~ C. G. Jung ~
For anyone who suffers from 'fear of rejection', this is a great quote to remember. I read this in 'The Wisdom of the Chakras' by Ellen Tadd.
If everyone were enlightened, everyone would love you.