Why Have a Meditator Life Partner?
by Geeta Yadav
Nature prepares us for all phases of life. From noisy teenagers to budding professionals; we naturally tread the path further and wish to tie the knot. We set scales to find the dream partner with stars in our eyes. This is the time when our heart strings a tune so unique that we vibe just with the sweet nothings of mushy lovers.
Oh! It’s the most melodious journey as we connect to love and make our choices. Cupid strikes and we enter a whirlpool of emotions. What can actually help us to make the right choice or lets say make the choice right? Ah! This brings us to meditation that is a compass to the smooth journey in the right direction to meet Mr or Miss Right.
Understanding Meditation in Marriage
Marriage is actually a gamble that is all about a change in life. It sets the ball rolling for shouldering responsibilities, understanding relationships and making efforts to gel well with each other and all. It’s a school where we practically realize the values of unconditional love, total acceptance and learn to forgive and forget especially if rough weather occasionally ruffles the individuals involved. All we need to do is set the sails of our boat and adjust them to face rough weathers and storms. And this art can be mastered with the help of meditation.
Look for a meditator as your life partner or else encourage him or her to do a meditation course. In fact the best way is to do a meditation course together.
How does meditation help?
We gush and glow in a relationship. We wish to marry to enjoy a lifelong relationship with our beloved. Dreams are much more colourful as our eyes remain closed but we can live our dreams each day of our life with the help of meditation. Meditation makes our dreams come true as it brings us face to face with our natural self that enjoys the feeling of belongingness.
Feeling of belongingness
When partners meditate they have a sense of belongingness with each other and the rest of the world. They make a lot of sense to each other and accept relationships with a lot more openness than non meditating partners who live in a world of mine and thine. Love and marriage are associated with the heart that beats for its soul mate with a sense of belongingness.
Following the Heart
Meditating people follow their heart to first recognize a life partner. “The heart knows to recognize. You cannot recognize your life partner, your guru, from the outside appearance, but through your heart. Something happens in your heart, you feel in your heart that he is honest and good, he belongs to me. So, become peaceful,” says Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.
Meditation brings in a lot of intuitiveness in people that helps them to recognize their soul mate without the interference of any past impressions.
Dissolving past impressions
We all carry certain past impressions based on the experiences of our loved ones and even our own bitter experiences. Such occurrences make our real persona edgy and uneven. Even a windy day unsettles our minds and affects our relationships. Meditation helps us to dissolve the edges that might cut or bruise our relationship. It also helps us to become compassionate and realize that to err is human. We forgive and forget to move on hand in hand. We don’t linger on hurts neither do we link one event to another that may lead to a chain reaction. We learn to understand the sounds of silence.
Understanding silence
Silence is to be celebrated and not resented. Love for most of us is praising each other, showering verbal compliments and indulging in a blabber. Any kind of silence is read as a change that would lead to drudgery. Here silence carries a negative connotation. Meditation leads to a comfortable silence. Meditating couples understand that silence is to be celebrated. "True friendship comes when silence between two people is comfortable," ( Dave Tyson Gentry). Meditation introduces us to a life that is beyond the emptiness of mushy words. Meditation is a return to silence. Meditating couples do not look for change but understand that a person is at his or her best when they rest in their true nature.
Accepting differences
Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus…this is not just a title of an international best seller but a definition of men and women. Meditation helps to bridge the differences that attract two people initially only to repel them as they show intolerance towards differences. Meditation helps couples to appreciate each other’s differences. It’s like learning to listen to poetry when all your ears like is to listen to hard rock and shake a leg till midnight. In this way Meditation helps us to explore arenas to understand our loved ones and dwell in their havens to feel their happiness.
Developing a partnership
Meditation removes clutter of the mind and heart. It is like a compass that points towards the direction that is just right. With a peaceful mind and positive vibrations we dwell on positives rather than negatives. It is not that we end up with meeting similar mindsets but definitely someone with a healthy, airy and mature mindset. In short a perfect partnership where both are equals. They understand each other and support each other’s goals by being a part or from outside by being appreciative and positive. Meditation helps us to understand the importance of adopting a middle path and meeting halfway to hold hands with our soul mate to move on and enjoy the beautiful journey of life.
Extending truce with meditation
Meditation plays the role of a peace organization. Two warring countries have a common solace in the UNO. Truce gets a breather to the ones at war. Meditating couples revert to truce and truth in silence. They do not have an egoistic mind that crosses out mediation. Meditating person listens to the voice of God from within that reminds the true nature of love… being unconditional, immersing the self in compassion and not having doubts about each other.
Making sense
The lows in individual life like a loved ones death, loss of job or a strain on health can set the mind’s clock in anti-clock motion. We blame each other and make a mess of an otherwise beautiful relationship. A meditating partner balances out life as his spouse feels low. He meditates and vibes well. It is like when one holds the destructive form of fire then the other one comes down as soothing shower. This is the power of meditation…it protects with antidotes. One begins to feel that he or she makes sense in the other ones life.
Cultivating trust
Trust is the bedrock of all relationships. Doubts are grey areas that can destroy an otherwise beautiful relationship. Meditation helps us to cultivate trust and banish doubts. When we are happy and at peace then our energy levels are high. We vibrate with enthusiasm and life force. Doubts come up when we are low on energy levels. We feel unhappy, jealous and miserable. We feel unloved and threatened. Meditation keeps the energy levels high, banishes negativity and fills the person with love and security. It connects us to our existence and our natural state of being loved by the self and the divine.
Being open yet sensitive
Every individual enjoys space. Meditation helps us to learn to enjoy personal space and time and also understand that the same stands true for others. Meditation makes us naturally sensitive to understand people and their needs.
Meditation is the key to a happy married life. Let’s then take steps to create a special space for meditation. It can be a room or a balcony with flowering pots and creepers all around. Place a meditation lamp in the centre, sprinkle lavender or sandalwood aroma oils, have comfortable chairs or just floor cushions and with a lot of faith know that meditation is the key to happiness and marital bliss.